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Plant buffers near the lake can provide valuable filtration of pollutants as rain water flows to the lake .
We can do a lot of things in our yards and gardens to help reduce run-off into our waterways. However, climate change has resulted in heavier rain events - 2 or more inches of rain in one storm is becoming more and more common. Saturated soil cannot absorb more water and sends it downhill into our lake, carrying with it plant debris and soil particles that contain phosphorus and other nutrients. This causes algae bloom, reduced lake clarity and poor conditions for aquatic plants, fish, and amphibians.
A lakeshore buffer is a dense planting of native flowers and grasses along the shoreline of a lake, river, creek or stream. A buffer should extend the wide of your lakefront property and inland at least 10 feet. According to the MN DNR, "A buffer zone that extends 25-50 feet from shore is preferable, but even 10-15 feet provides benefits." (Shoreline Alterations: Natural Buffers and Lakescaping, MN DNR)
Planning Your Buffer Zone - MN DNR
Shoreline Alterations... - MNDNR
Landscaping for Wildlife & Water Quality
Adding native plants between the rocks in your rip rap can also provide filtering benefits!
Plants help improve water quality. They slow down the flow of storm water and their extensive roots soak up any pollutants before they make their way into our bay.
Lawns are ecosystems that affect surface and groundwater systems. Lawn grasses clean the environment by absorbing gaseous pollutants and intercepting pesticides, fertilizers, dust, and sediment.
Learn about ways to use stormwater and keep it from picking up pollutants that harm our bay
Plant buffers near the lake can provide valuable filtration of pollutants as rain water flows to the lake
Rain gardens filter pollutants from storm water run-off, provide habitat for pollinators & beautify your yard
Rain barrels are a great way to capture water for watering your plants, reducing run-off and conserving water
PO BOX 464 MOUND, MN 55364
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